Get Your Greens Smoothie!

I hate spinach!  There, I said it.  The first time I tasted spinach as a little girl I gagged!  That being said, I know it is good for me.  I know I should learn to like it.  I can eat it occasionally in some salads that are covered with a sweet poppy seed dressing and covered in candied nuts.  But, that kind of defeats the purpose of eating the healthy salad doesn’t it?

I have found a great way to make myself eat my greens!  I have to hide it with a bunch of strawberries in a My Support Shake Smoothie.   I actually add a power greens blend that I buy from Costco.  It also includes kale and chard (no I do not like kale or chard any more than I like spinach).  I was going to put up a picture of a green smoothie but frankly, mine is more pink than green.

I love starting my day with a great tasting nutritious smoothie and knowing that I did something good for my body and I drink one almost every day.    The My Support Shake provides 50% of your Daily Value of 23 Vitamins & Minerals.  Plus, you are adding the known health benefits of berries and spinach.   The My Support Shake is also high in protein and fiber.  When I drink this smoothie I am very full for hours.  This is the ideal way to start your day.

Tiffany’s My Support Shake Get Your Greens Smoothie

2 cups Spinach (or Spinach Blend)

2 cups Berries

2 Scoops Vanilla My Support Shake

2 Cups Water

Ice (I only add ice if I use fresh berries if the berries are frozen ice is not needed)

Put all the ingredients in the blender and mix!  Enjoy!!!

Tips: When I buy a big bag of spinach I use some of it fresh but,  I divide the rest of it into Ziploc bags in two cup increments and freeze it.  That way, it will not go bad too fast and I just have to pull one Ziploc bag out of the freezer and it is the correct amount for my smoothie.


Individual results may vary when using this product.

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