What Works For Me
As I have said in previous blog posts, I have lost 40lbs using the My Support Products.* If you haven’t read my previous blog posts then you can learn a little more about me in my Introductions and Transformations blog post. Today I am going to share a little more about how I have done that. I have used several different My Support Products in my weight loss journey. I started out just using the My Support Shake. I believe you can have success using just this product! I have added other products to my weight loss tools and they have all helped me in different ways. I am not a doctor or nutritionist. The only qualification I have is that I have tried many different diet plans and have found this plan to work very well for me. I can’t guarantee that it will work for you but, I think it should work for many of you that read this!
My eating plan for each day is currently two meal replacement shakes and then a sensible dinner. I have a meal replacement shake for breakfast and lunch. For one of my meals I usually make a green smoothie. I gave this recipe in a previous blog post. For dinner I divide my plate into thirds. One third of my plate has whatever entrée I want. I really do not worry about what this entrée is except to make it something that I like! Yes, I allow myself Lasagna, Tacos and other yummy entrees. The only rule is that I limit it to one serving on one third of my plate! I fill another third of my plate with a basic side salad and the last third is a cooked vegetable of some sort. I like this plan because I don’t have to plan anything except my dinner. I enjoy planning my dinner because it is usually something that I can really look forward to. If I get hungry in between meals I will throw in a low calorie snack.
Now for the products! As I said before, I started out just using the My Support Shake. This is a great meal replacement shake. It is creamy and delicious and fills me up for hours. You can read about why I love this shake in blog post that I wrote about it! Now I drink one of the My Support Shakes per day.
I also drink one of the Metabolic Quick Start Shakes per day. I like the flavor of the My Support Shake better. But, the Metabolic Quick Start Shake does great things for me. This shake is designed to boost your metabolism and help you lose weight. I noticed *when I started adding one Metabolic Quick Start Shake a day that I lost weight faster. I also have very few cravings when I drink this shake. I said above that if I get hungry I will throw in a low calorie snack. I very seldom have to do this if I make sure I drink both of my shakes and I usually have to think about eating my next meal because I am not usually hungry or craving other foods.
I make Fortifying Vital Fiber part of my morning routine. Studies suggest that getting adequate fiber is crucial to weight loss. We have seen some people just add the Fortifying Vital Fiber to their diet and lose some weight without making any other dietary changes. I like that this Fiber tastes good and most of all is not grainy! I shake it up in my Blender Bottle and it is great.
I also use the Dieter’s Detox to help my body get rid of the toxins that build up as I lose weight. I also use the Energy & Appetite supplement to help support my energy needs while my body burns calories. It also really helps me not have cravings. These supplements have made it so my weight loss feels easy! When I have been on very low calorie diets before, I have found myself feeling weak and shaky at times. The combination of the Metabolic Quick Start Shake and these two supplements has taken that feeling away for me. I have energy and feel great while I lose weight.
You do not need all of these products to be successful at weight loss. I lost weight using just the My Support Shake. Results will vary per person and everyone is different. If you can only try one product try one of the shakes. I have had good results with both of them! Adding the other products made it easier for me and sped up my results. They may help you as well! Now is a great time to try our shakes. For a limited time we are giving out a Free Sample of our My Support Shake. This is a completely free offer you don’t have to give us a credit card. We will even pay for the shipping! Just fill out the form below to order your free sample today!
*When using these products, individual results will vary.
You must live in the United States and be over 18 to receive this free sample. This offer is limited to one per household.
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